Friday, April 27, 2012

Knock Knock - Opening Night week 2

Last night’s Opening Night week two audience was, quite frankly, wild.  The only problem was that I'm not sure we had anything to do with it. They were wild before we even started.  Not sure of the cause but there was a rumor that something in the tequila family was involved.  Proximity to a Mexican restaurant is being investigated.
There were a lot of friends there Thursday and many of them were “theatre people” which is to say that they have worked shows and know what it takes.  The “theatre people” label defines them as being infected with this insidious disease for which we know there is no cure.  While not especially contributing members of society, these are the people you want to see in your audience.
Add to this group of ne’er-do-wells a torrential rain which would have been perfect for a performance of Shakespeare’s The Tempest and you end up with the perfect storm – pun intended.
Control was lost almost immediately.  Frances entered for her pre-show speech (exits, cell phones off, etc.) and the crowd literally went wild.  By the time we actually began the show I was worried because there seemed to be nowhere to go but down.  I am nothing if not a pessimist.
But we persevered and they loved it.  People in their condition can't lie.
Have I mentioned we have a tin roof? 
The first major downpour coincided perfectly with my parable speech early in act 1.  (Was it something I blogged?)  If you want to know what it sounded like, take a large pot from your kitchen, put it on your head then shower under a fire hose while telling a long joke trying not to sound like you’re screaming.
Every night is different. Conditions change performance to performance. Last night was so much fun and so much work.  So much energy flowing among audience, actors and Mother Nature.  Sweet.
Quote of the day
"With despair you feel there's no hope and you might as well die; with realism you feel there's no hope but you get a kick out of it."

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