Thursday, April 19, 2012

Knock Knock - Opening Night tonight! Then food.

Final dress rehearsal went very well.  The energy was wonderful.  That old saying about having a bad final dress rehearsal is a good sign is basically crap.  But justification is a powerful urge. 
We (the cast) did, however, inadvertently shorten the play somewhat.  No big deal and I think we were the only ones really aware of it.  So what if we miss a page here or there?  They’re just words after all, right? The audience seemed to really love it despite seeing a slightly abridged version.  Granted they were mostly friends and they got in free but still…
Now we get down to Opening Night.  Capital “O”, capital “N”.  We get to show the fruits of the labor of a small army of people have worked on this project for about eight weeks (and in some cases much longer) before a group of people who are actually paying money to see us do it!  Inconceivable!
As actors not only do we look forward to at last performing before a paying audience, we also look forward to eating afterwards.  Love the Opening Night reception!  We are shallow creatures, I admit.  Offer us free food and we’re there every time, upholding  a tradition centuries old.
I know we have a large audience for tonight.  (Large being a relative term because the Workshop doesn't seat that many.)  I’m not sure about the rest of the week.  It’s a busy weekend with a lot going on in our area including the Blockhouse Steeplechase so we’ll see how it goes.  We know we have a good product and the publicity has been excellent (thanks Monica and Mark) so now we’ll see.  The best publicity in this area (as everyone knows) is word of mouth so hopefully the people that see it will talk it up and we’ll have a great 2nd week.
I’ve written before about the importance of the audience in a performance.  For us actors, what we get from an audience in terms of positive energy is unbelievably delicious nourishment.   In terms of negative energy, it’s akin to eating earwax. 
Come to Knock Knock.  Come with the expectation of being entertained.  Most importantly, come with an open mind because whatever you might be expecting, this won’t be it!
PS.  We'll all be in a smallish room together.  We can hear you too.  By that I mean that opening a lozenge slowly does not make it quieter, IT ONLY PROLONGS THE TORTURE!!  

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